Ragam Hias Batik Berbasis Budaya Lokal Transformasi Motif Ukiran Minangkabau Pada Galeri Alam Takambang

  • Shaheed Fikar Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Agusti Efi Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Budiwirman Budiwirman Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Batik, Transformation, Carving Motive, Minangkabau


Batik is one of cultural heritages of Indonesia which has been approved by UNESCO on September 30th  2009. Batik is not only art from Javanese, but it has also developed and become art of West Sumatra people. Batik in West Sumatra is known with batik from clay. Batik from Minang has uniqueness of motive, color, character and color identity and typical of complexion. Therefore, the research aimed to describe about batik art in Minang in Alam takabang gallery. This  research  was  qualitative  research  using  descriptive  method.  This  research  focused on:)  what  is  form  of  Gadang  House  carving  motive  design  in  Alam  takambang  gallery,  2) analyzing designing process and 3) making batik in Alam Takambang Gallery. Data collecting was analyzed using qualitative analysis. The  result  of  the  research  showed  that  motive  form  of  batik  fabric  in  Alam  Takambang began   from   carving   typical   motive   of   Minangkabau.   In   design   analysis,   it   was   found transformation  and  process  and  it  had  unique  change  because  motive  in  wood  was  made  in batik  fabric  in  new  creative  motive  in  realizing  material  culture  from  Minangkabau.  Batik business in Alam Takambang Gallery used canting technique (Tulis Batik) and stamp technique in making Batik. Alam Takambang Gallery as one of businesses to introduce tradition of Batik with typical motive of West Sumatra.

How to Cite
Fikar, S., Efi, A., & Budiwirman, B. (2018, December 18). Ragam Hias Batik Berbasis Budaya Lokal Transformasi Motif Ukiran Minangkabau Pada Galeri Alam Takambang. Ranah Seni: Jurnal Pendidikan Seni, Seni Dan Desain, 12(01), 411-421. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.24036/ranahseni.v12i01.29